Case Study: Lunch and Learns

We love helping and empowering your people!


We all know waste is an issue, and most of us want to do something about it.

But what… how…when … where to start?! It can be overwhelming. There is so much noise, clutter, confusion, you can’t seem to get a straight answer from anywhere.

Bel has worked, hands on and (sometimes, literally!) knee deep, for decades in all areas of waste management, recycling and the ‘circular economy', in Australia and overseas, and can break things down with simplicity and good humour.

Who these are for:

Waste is applicable to everyone and every business, as we all create it.

Our sessions are designed for people living in Australia, from all walks of life, are designed to bring everyone onto the same page, by explaining the systems first, then complimenting this with where to focus, coupled with practical tips.

Lunch and Learns, Talks and Workshops we deliver

BC Consulting Lunch and Learn Topic

Demystifying waste, recycling and the circular economy 

In this Lunch and Learn Bel will explain how the Australian system works, provide practical advice on the ‘how to’ and will also answer your questions – there are no silly ones!

Participants will leave the session feeling enlightened and empowered on a topic that can plague, with a clear path on where to start, or continue your garbage fighting journey.

No doubt there will be a few stories and chuckles too.

Plastic Free July Ready: Reducing Soft Plastics At Home

Let’s tackle that pesky soft plastic!

Delivered as a Lunch and Learn, or a Workshop Series over six weeks, this talk is designed, and based on Bel’s previous experience delivering transparent, practical tips, coupled with her own experience reducing soft plastics in her own life – see our blog post for a sense.

We live in the real world; Bel has significantly reduced her soft plastic use but has not eliminated it entirely, and it is open about this – perfect can be “the enemy of the good”.

Ask Anything

Do you have a waste myth that needs busting? Is there something garbage related on your mind?

This session can be delivered as a standalone, or is also well received as a to follow up and compliment to the Demystifying Waste, Recycling and the Circular Economy.

It’s a freestyle, informal session to address anything and everything waste related in Australia.
The floor is open to questions from the audience, just show up, no pre work necessary.

Belinda Chellingworth at the Woodford Folk Festival

Case Study: The Woodford Folk Festival


Bel had a blast at the Woodford Folk Festival discussing everything circular at our Ask Anything Session December 30th 2023.

Despite thundering rain, a stellar crowd showed up, including a permaculture expert, Vinnies Store Manager, Vet, Environmental educators, dietician, an Emergency Doctor and many more people, so engaged on our favourite topic.

From how we transition Australia to a circular economy, repair policy, the unintended consequences of FOGO services, packaging recycling symbols, market failures of medical equipment recycling, product stewardship, tetrapaks, advice on how to be a garbologist and our personal favourite: 

"Can I compost my undies?"

The stage was absolutely pumping with big questions, shared advice, big laughs - all underpinned with data and science (and lots of muddy gumboots). What a bunch of legends.

Carrie Hamilton GAICD | Policy Advisor

I thoroughly enjoyed Bel’s ‘Ask Anything’ session at the 2023 Woodford Festival in Queensland; she was amazing!

She enthusiastically fielded a huge variety of questions from the audience on all things circularity - everything from packaging to systems change to reuse options. Bel aced every question with brilliance, humour and facts, speaking with encouragement to those who were new to the subject and with custom resources she had at the ready.

We all learned heaps!