Our Commitment


We consider ourselves accountable to past, present, and future generations.

We are pleased to present our second Environment, Social and Governance Report to document all of this.

Click on the button below to download a copy of the report.

Download the report
BC Consulting ESG Report 2024 Cover

We don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk


We are dedicated practitioners and implementers of our subject matter expertise.

We believe not only in operational excellence, but also leadership.

It also helps us understand the opportunities, risks, challenges, stakeholders and suppliers in the current market, so we can best advise, and empathise with our clients.

We are pleased to publish our very own Environment, Social and Governance Reports to demonstrate and:

  • Share learnings
  • Disclose performance, including our struggles
  • Provide clear guidance on the ‘How to’ of implementing the Circular Economy Framework, and

A demonstration of our commitment to transparency.

What we have learned above all else, is it’s always going to be a work in progress.

So have a read, and have fun!

Download the report

Graz van Egmond | Chief Executive Officer | Banksia Foundation


Belinda is one of our NSW and National Banksia Awards judges for the biodiversity category.
She has clear enthusiasm for the topic, approaches judging with rigour and is a champion for our entrants and celebrations.

Thank you Belinda for contributing your time, expertise and playing an integral role in the program.

Nina Collinson | ESG Manager | Glad Group


Bel took our brief to define what we need to do, and provided an outstanding result which has been very well received by the business. She has also shared the right amount of relevant information with me so I can carry on the program.

She has clearly articulated what our people need to understand to enable best practice waste and recycling for our customers, but has also listened and learned from them through her time with us.

She brings passion and compassion to her work, she will go the extra mile - spending time at our Head Office and our customers’ sites, to really understand us and our customers. She has been able to connect and gain trust with our team quickly and effectively as well, and has been able to inspire our people, and bring the subject matter to life via engagement and training.


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